You want to build wealth?
“Save your pennies.”
“Work hard.”
“Live way below your means.”
“No matter what, protect your money.”
That’s the advice so many of us have heard about how to become wealthy. It might work… but it’ll take a long, long time that way because it means playing not to lose rather than playing to win.
What if we turned that around and played to win, instead?
This question prompted a thought experiment for Ryan that came back with surprising results. What if you took $1 million and invested it well enough to get a 20% annual return for 30 years? You’d cross the quarter-billion mark.
But what if you don’t have a million dollars to invest yet? And how could you get a 20% return per year? This episode answers those questions. But it’ll do something even more valuable for you. As you listen, you’ll find your brain moving beyond the shock of large numbers to reach a point of logical certainty that this is doable. What’s more, instead of advice that sends you into a frantic, hustling mode, you’ll discover how to reach this financial goal - or any you set - in a peaceful, freedom-filled frame of mind… and you’d be shocked by how quickly it can all happen.