Coming This Summer...

The Capitalist Pig NFT: WEb3 Meets Entrepreneurship

The Capitalist Pigs are a new type of online community, where entrepreneurship meets Web3.

The Capitalist Pigs are a community of entrepreneurs who mastermind together and pursue investments together.

Since we are united behind the Capitalist Pig NFT, we are all incentivized for the group to grow and win together.

As a member, you unlock access to a group of successful entrepreneurs and receive first access to deal flow for early stage investments.

First mint is planned for Summer 2022, with 150 spots made available.

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Pig NFT preview
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What The Capitalist Pig NFT Unlocks

Here is a quick breakdown of everything that happens when you own a Capitalist Pig NFT.
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Deal Flow

As a holder, you are first in line for the best deals from the network (approximately 8 – 12 per year).

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Aligned Incentives

Since your NFT can change in value, every owner is incentivized to make the community better and better.

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Profit Potential

Should you decide to leave the network, simply sell your NFT – possibly at a profit. The more that you invest into the community, the higher the value.

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Influence Your Assets

Unlike stocks, real estate, or crypto, you can influence your investments by being involved in each deal. This gives you influence on each investment and the community.

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You will have access to all of the other “Pigs,” creating a mastermind-like effect with other investors, entrepreneurs, and influencers.

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3 Year Access

Your Pig gets you access to 3 years of deal flow, networking, and investment opportunities. When it expires, you can choose to renew or sell your NFT access.

“The beauty of NFTs is not that they go up in value - although they can. The real power is that it creates aligned incentives and turns an expense into an asset."

About The Creator
Ryan Daniel Moran

My name is Ryan Daniel Moran, and I mentor entrepreneurs to build 7-figure businesses that they can sell. The Capitalist Pig NFT gets you access to our investor network, which has first pass at the best deals and opportunities coming from the ecosystem.

— Ryan Daniel Moran

Get Started

Join The Investor Network

Looking for private deal flow from budding businesses and entrepreneurs? At, we equip and mentor entrepreneurs toward an 8 Figure Exit.

The Investor Network has first-in-line access to all deal flow, and the NFT is a sellable asset on its own. Think of it like an access token, a community, and private access to deal flow that you can’t get anywhere else.

Investor network

Be First In Line For The Capitalist Pig

We will only send updates about the NFT launch.