Is This The Highest ROI Investment In The World?

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You can easily think of a person who changed your business.

A mentor. An employee. A partner. An investor.

You know that one great connection can change everything - in your finances, in your business, and in the opportunities that come your way.

That is why the old adage is that success is “not about what you know, but who you know.”

This is also true for investing.

The best deals and opportunities often come our way as the result of knowing the right people.

That is why we are creating a new type of community.

This community invests together. As a result, it is the first network that has an incentive to win together.

We bring our private deal flow to the table. You bring your experience, your knowledge, and your connections.

Together, we build relationships and create new opportunities, because we all are incentivized to win.

This is Collaborative Capitalism.

Web3 And The Future Of Capitalism

Web3 is changing the online landscape. But its potential reaches much further than the NFT and crypto flipping hype. It offers an opportunity to create the purest type of Capitalism that the world has ever seen.

Download this free whitepaper to learn more about the opportunity and what’s coming next.

What People Are Saying

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“The diversity of experience in this community is incredible that I wasn't anticipating. It is people with such diverse experiences in such different levels of experience. A lot of the online communities I'm in, the members are younger than me. This community is diverse in age, it's diverse in experience, across multiple industries. There are people who are on their second, third, fourth career venture. And it's amazing to be able to be exposed to that many people with that many differing experiences because it changes my entire perspective about what's possible.”

Leah Boomsma
Capitalist Pig NFT Owner
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"In most other groups I find members asking, What am I gonna get out of this group? rather than, How can I add value to this group?

As a member of the Capitalist Pigs, it's good to be part of a community of people who already have businesses that you can tap on the shoulder and peek into their expertise and they are willing to share."

Drew Hitchcock
Capitalist Pig NFT Owner
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"I think this community can help just from the sheer fact that there's people who want to give value and people who are curious about having this conversation about businesses, entrepreneurship, and what that'll look like in the future in a much smaller, more intimate setting. I think just being a part of a group of people who are willing to have these vulnerable types of conversations is a lot of value in and of itself.”

CJ Cruz
Capitalist Pig NFT Owner

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