Kuda Biza left Zimbabwe in 2005 for the United States with just $40. Today, Biza is a successful entrepreneur.

During a quarterly retreat with The Tribe, a business incubator that creates investment and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs, Capitalism.com founder and CEO Ryan Moran spoke with Biza about his journey to the U.S., and his shockingly honest opinion about people who complain about minimum wage, inequality and the state of America.

Biza built his success by connecting with business leaders and companies to help them grow.

"It was an interesting journey. I came to America with $40 in my pocket. Went to college and was able to graduate, but along the way I started a clothing brand," Biza said. "... And I started educating kids in Africa. Got involved with a corporation. Did some cool stuff then in the innovation space. And recently launched This Is My Era and working on some really cool Amazon stuff that is really going to blow the world pretty soon."

And yet, people complain about needing more handouts. Biza came here with next to nothing. English is Biza's second language.

He built businesses and became an entrepreneur. He learned about sales and marketing. So he has a unique viewpoint of what's going on in this country.

"Zimbabwe has had the same president since 1980. So for the past 37 years, it's been the same president," Biza explained. "You know, I think America so far is in an okay - good - direction. We'll see how the [next] four years roll out. But relatively speaking, from my experience, and what I've been through, I think you're in a good place."

As someone who came to America with $40 in his pocket and went to work to become a successful entrepreneur, Biza's reaction to people who complain about the economy, minimum wage, socioeconomic conditions offers perspective.

"What I say to those people is, you know, get up and act," Biza said. "Life is a series of decisions. You decide, you know, you're outcome. I just posted a quote by Abraham Lincoln which said that, you know, the best way to predict the future is to create it. So if you go out there and start acting, that's the way you're going to achieve whatever your dream is.

"One thing I will say is that I believe in now. No opportunity wasted. Time is the most precious resource we have. So if you don't use your time, and you waste it, you're never going to get it back. So the idea is to make sure that you make every opportunity you get, you use it wisely pursuing your dream, your purpose. And then you'll get there. It might take a little bit for some people, you know, but you're going to get there.

"Same thing with me. I came to America with nothing. But I worked hard, and now I'm at a better place."

Learn more about The Tribe at FreedomFastLane.com/Tribe


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