If you’re working as an entrepreneur, you’ve likely felt a bit out of place at some point in your life.
The type of people who set out to start new businesses tend to be a little... weird. They pursue new ideas and they don't follow the crowd.
Guy and Ilan Ferdman of Satori Prime call people like these fringe dwellers. Let’s say that humanity exists inside a circle. Fringe dwellers sit at the edge of the circle, looking into the unknown to see what can be created next.
These Weird, Successful Entrepreneurs Do Their Own Thing
Whatever you want to call them, successful entrepreneurs just don’t let themselves get bothered by what other people think about them. Ryan Moran is a great example; he doesn’t put on a mask, he goes about doing what interests him and what is valuable to him.
To clarify, Guy and Ilan don’t mean “weird” as in kooky behavior. You don’t need to dress like a clown and make silly noises. “Weird” means being unapologetically you.
People like Ryan are unapologetically themselves. They are free of the shackles of “what will other people think of me”. Like Ryan, you shouldn’t let feeling self-conscious hinder you from achieving success.
Once you stop wearing a mask, once you start saying what you really feel, once you start doing things that you want to do, it’ll translate to success for you and your business.
You are probably spending lots of time and energy hiding who you are from the world. You need to stop doing that!
Fight Your Social Programming That Tells You Not To Be You
From the ages of 3-to-7, we are indoctrinated with the values of our parents, our educators, and what we absorb from mass media. It is easy for us to come to a conclusion at that young age about who we are. If you decide you are not a person with value to contribute to the world, it can be very difficult to shake that feeling.
Most messaging we here from in society is "normalizing", rewarding people who stay in line. But stepping out of that norm can be so immensely rewarding.
Amazing Things Happen When You Let Yourself Be You
Netflix has a new documentary streaming, called Jim And Andy. It’s about Jim Carrey’s experience acting the role of entertainer Andy Kaufman in the film Man On The Moon. Carrey lost himself in the role so much that he felt Kaufman’s spirit tapping him on the shoulders and manifesting through him.
The 1999 biopic flopped, but Carrey was universally recognized as having put on an incredible performance. When Carrey opened himself up to self-expression, he harnessed his creative potential in front of a global audience, who connected with his portrayal.
Like Carrey, people will connect to you when you open yourself up like that, because they know how much courage it takes to step out and be yourself in public.
Now, there will also be people who will reject you, but that’s ok! Not everybody has to like you. The people who respond positively to who you are are the people who really, truly matter.
Pretending To Be Someone You’re Not Will Close You Off To The World
The millennial generation (those born between the early 1980s to the early 2000s) is the most marketed-to generation of all time. Millennials have grown up practically marinating in advertisements.
This gives them a unique talent: they've encountered so much hype, so much exaggeration, and so much fake messaging that they can really grasp when someone is being authentic.
With millennials becoming more and more powerful around the world, being transparent and authentic is more crucial than ever to connect with your target market.
3 Steps To Being You
#1 - Check in with yourself. Think about the messages you’ve heard, the opinions you’ve encountered throughout your life. Ask what messages and opinions resonate for you, and where your own values differ from those.
#2 - Notice where you feel like conforming to what the “crowd” is doing. Notice in that moment - that urge to go with the group - that that’s a manifestation of your social programming from when you were a small child. Think about whether you really need to “go along and get along” in that situation.
#3 - Take action consistent with who you are, rather than action consistent with your conformist social programming.
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