Here’s what you need to know about Jo Jorgensen, 2020 Presidential Candidate
The 2020 election is amid a pandemic and a culture steeped in social tension. But there's another reason why the 2020 election is raising brows. Jo Jorgensen is the Libertarian's female presidential nominee. She's garnering support and throwing her hat in the ring for the Commander in Chief.
In this article, we're exploring:
- Who is Jo Jorgensen?
- What is the Libertarian Party, and what do they stand for?
- Does Jorgensen have a shot at the presidency?
Let's find out.
What You Need to Know About Jo Jorgensen
Who is Jo Jorgensen?
Other than the Libertarian Party's face for the 2020 presidential election, who is the woman standing behind the platform? Below, we'll share information gathered from Jorgensen's campaign website.
How old is Jorgensen?
Jo Jorgensen was born on May 1, 1957, and is currently 63 years old.
Joanne Marie Jorgensen graduated with her B.S. in psychology from Baylor University in 1979. She then obtained her MBA from Southern Methodist University. Finally, she received her Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology.
Jorgensen had a successful career in the marketing and tech industry. Her career started with a marketing representative job after obtaining her MBA. In 1983, she started her own software sales business. She later became a partner in a software duplication company. Drawing on her entrepreneurial and psychology background, she also founded a business consulting company in 2002. There, she works with select clients today.
Before hitting the campaign trail, her primary job was teaching full-time as a senior lecturer in psychology. She's taught at Clemson University since 2006. She teaches intro-level psychology to lectures to undergraduate students, and she loves it.

Jo Jorgensen's Net Worth
Information Cradle reports Jorgensen's estimated net worth at over $2 million. However, Jorgensen has kept much information about her private life and personal assets confidential. There is no definitive answer about Jorgensen's net worth.
Here's what we do know:
- She posted in a video on her YouTube channel how she built her own multi-million dollar company. YouTube channel
- She receives at least a $90,000 salary. This comes from teaching Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Clemson University.
Jo Jorgensen's Husband and Family
The private life of Jo Jorgensen has seen little media limelight. She grew up in Chicago. Jo later married and moved with her husband to Texas after graduating from college. She has two daughters. Also, Jo loves walking her basset hound, Gertrude, according to an interview. She currently resides in Greeneville, SC.
Jo Jorgensen's Political Views
The Greenville Journal interviewed Jorgensen recently. She explained how her interest in politics is not what most people might expect. "I read 'Animal Farm' in grade school and always disliked the idea of an elite few making decisions for the rest of us," she said.
She gravitated toward the Libertarian party after hearing about its values on talk radio in 1979. Here, she finally found a party that shared her values for limited government. "Being Libertarian means being on the side of the people," she explained, "not the side of special interests, lobbyists and bureaucrats in D.C."
Therefore, she cast her support for Ed Clark's presidency in 1980 and officially joined the Libertarian party in 1983.
In 1992, Jorgensen was the Libertarian candidate for South Carolina's 4th congressional district. Four years later, she was the Libertarian Vice President nominee alongside Harry Browne. Together, they campaigned in 38 states, with her speaking on over 300 radio shows.
Since then, Jorgensen has been a staunch supporter of the Libertarian Party. She pledged her support as a life member. She also serves as the national marketing director for the Libertarian Party.
What are the views of a libertarian?
The underlying principle of the Libertarian party is individual rights. "All individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives. They have the right to live in whatever manner they choose," as stated on the Libertarian Party official website. In short, it is this fundamental principle that underscores the Libertarian Party's political policies:

- Personal liberty: Individuals are free to make their own choices in the pursuit of life, liberty, and property without the government compelling you to think or act a certain way.
- Non-Aggression Principle (NAP): Libertarians oppose the initiation of force to achieve social or political goals. They reject "first-strike" force, fraud, or theft against others. Force is only appropriate in self-defense. Those who violate this "non-aggression principle" should make their victims whole as much as possible. This "Good Neighbor Policy" is what most of us learned as children. Don't lie, cheat, steal, or strike our playmates unless they hit us first, they said. Furthermore, if we broke a friend's toy, we should replace it.
- Gun rights: The right to self-defense is fundamental to protecting the individual's safety and property. Again, the NAP applies. Libertarians disagree with initiating violence, aggression, or force. However, it's like the advice many of us got about dealing with a bully on the playground. "You don't start trouble. You end it."
- Free markets: A free and competitive market is the best way to drive efficiency, growth, and innovation. Many Libertarians oppose socialistic principles. They object to excessive government intervention. Therefore, the idea of wealth redistribution is abhorrent, given property rights.
- Reduce/abolish taxes: Individuals are entitled to private property and the fruits of their labor. Therefore, libertarians support the reduction or abolishment of taxes.
So how do these libertarian values fit into Jorgen's presidential platform?
What does Jo Jorgensen stand for?
"I think government is too big, too nosy, too intrusive, and often hurts those it intends to help. Government doesn't work. Liberty and freedom do." - Jo Jorgensen
On her campaign website, she lists the problems prior Democratic and Republican leaders have created:
- Over $26 trillion in debt
- Continuous involvement in a costly and neverending foreign war
- Rising healthcare costs
- Climbing imprisonment rates
- Broken retirement system
- Excessive taxes and tariffs
What would Jorgensen do differently? How do Jo Jorgensen's beliefs differ from Donald Trump and Joe Biden? Here are key points from her presidential platform:

Neutrality and Peace
Jorgensen is committed to bringing our troops back home. She opposes many Democratic and Republican policies. In particular, sending our troops to foreign countries, spurring foreign wars, and serving foreign interests.
"Virtually none were necessary for America's self-defense," she said on her campaign website. It only raised the American soldier death count and the federal debt ceiling.
Under Jorgensen, America will be one giant Switzerland: "Armed and neutral. With peaceful, free, and open trade and travel."
The Jo Jorgensen healthcare plan is to overhaul our healthcare system. She objects to Medicare for All, a nationalized system some political figures are pushing. The policy would only increase wait times and raise premium access costs.
"We cannot wait for government bureaucrats to decide who lives and who dies. Any overhaul of our system must put control back in the hands of the patient," Jorgensen said on her campaign website.
As expected, Jorgensen advocates for privatizing the healthcare system. She cites how Lasik and plastic surgery have improved despite insurance not covering them.
"In both of those fields, the quality has gone up dramatically. The prices have gone down dramatically," Jo Jorgensen said in a joint interview with her running mate on Libertarian Party TV. "That's because they have to actually fight for their customers. they have to compete."
Moreover, Jorgensen will remove FDA regulations that stifle innovation. This will put life-saving drugs on a steadily-moving conveyor belt to approval.
Government Spending
Jorgensen's stance on government spending is simple. Minimize it and block any action that deepens the federal deficit. She will stop new borrowing and veto spending bills contributing to a rising debt ceiling. Moreover, she will assign a spending reduction target for her Cabinet to keep the government accountable.
Jorgensen believes that scientists, entrepreneurs, and inventors can make better decisions than any Washington bureaucrat. That includes choices around environmental issues.
Government stifles innovation. However, competition facilitates it while improving the environment. She notes how the expansion of the internet and tech saved trees and reduced paper waste. Also, Lyft and Uber are improving air conditions. They make carpooling mainstream and accessible.
Social Security
It's irrational to think that politicians could make promises about social security you're entitled to decades from now. Instead of delivering on promises, they leave behind "worthless IOUs." Instead of mandatory contribution to social security, Jo would allow Americans to opt out of the current system.

Trade & Immigration
"The freedom to trade and travel are fundamental to human liberty," Jo Jorgensen said on her campaign website. "As President, I will use my Constitutional authority to eliminate trade barriers & tariffs." Moreover, she will repeal arbitrary quotas on the number of people who can legally enter the U.S. to work, visit, or reside.
Needless to say, Jorgensen's stance on immigration is a significant departure from President Trump's policies to secure our borders.
Criminal Justice Reform
Gary Doan, with The Libertarian Republic, reported on Jorgensen's disenchantment with America's current criminal justice system.
"We cannot claim to be the land of the free when we lead the world in incarcerations," Jorgensen said during her campaign stop in Dallas. "We have 5% of the world's population, but house 20% of its prisoners."
Drug-related charges make up a notable portion of those incarcerations. However, Jorgensen sees no reason to charge for drugs, as there is no victim. "If there is no victim, there is no crime," she said. Therefore, Jorgensen will decriminalize all drugs. Finally, she will also pardon all non-violent, victimless crimes when she becomes President.
Jorgensen also criticized Kamala Harris, Democratic Vice President nominee. Harris jailed thousands for pot-related charges, yet personally smokes marijuana.
After decades of federal anti-poverty programs, poverty remains rampant. Instead of relying on the government, Jo believes a vibrant economy is the solution to poverty. An economy abundant in jobs, high wages, and affordable living costs will reduce our poverty rates and allow more Americans to thrive.
Jorgensen's presidency will tackle any policy that cripples economic growth. She will also empower charitable organizations to help individuals.
Many libertarians equate taxation to theft, and Jorgensen shares some of this sentiment. In an Instagram post, she even goes so far as to say, "I'm for a fair tax as long as it's 0%. There is no such thing as a fair tax."
Therefore, Jorgensen's presidency will slash federal spending. It will reduce the size of government. Moreover, you will keep more of what you earn where it belongs: your pockets.

The government has no place in the realm of education. It created the Department of Education. However, education quality has declined, and college tuition costs have skyrocketed. Jorgensen will remove the Department of Education. She will let parents, teachers, and students decide how the education system runs.
Jo Jorgensen and BLM
Jo Jorgensen has a nuanced stance on the Black Lives Matter Movement. She tweeted a picture of her attending a candlelight vigil to honor police brutality victims. But she criticizes those who are using the movement to advance their agendas.
"I think we should support the protesters," Jorgensen said in an interview with Zuri Davis with Reason, a libertarian magazine. "But, at the same time, get rid of the opportunistic people hijacking the movement."
Jo Jorgensen and COVID-19
On her campaign website, Jorgensen describes how the CDC selected only two companies to produce test kits. They made it illegal to use any other. Then, they were unable to keep up with demand. Yet, 60 companies produce test kits that can't be used because they are awaiting government approval.
"As president, I would remove all bureaucratic roadblocks that stand in the way of Americans getting tested," she said.
Jo Jorgensen and Mail-in Ballots
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the topic of mail-in ballots has become a national discussion.
Many Democrats believe mail-in ballots should be available to make voting safer for all Americans. Failure to accommodate mass mail-in voting would unnecessarily risk people's lives and deny them the right to safely cast their ballot.
Unsurprisingly, many Republicans disagree with Democrats. Many explain USPS does not have the resources to accommodate mail-in voting on such a massive scale. Moreover, mail-in ballots can lead to voter fraud, compromising the integrity of the election process.
Where do Jorgensen and the Libertarian party stand? Jorgensen supports mail-in ballots with a caveat. "I'm fine with the mail-in ballot as long as we use FedEx . . . With all the problems we have with the U.S. postal service, I'm not sure we can rely on them," she said in an interview with Amber Worthy with Fox Carolina.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the nominees for President 2020?
The nominees for the 2020 Presidential election are as follows:
- Republican: Current President Donald Trump with Mike Pence as running mate
- Democrat: Former Vice President Joe Biden with Kamala Harris as running mate
- Libertarian: Dr. Jo Jorgensen with Jeremy Cohen as running mate
- Green Party: Howie Hawkins with Angela Walker as running mate
Is a Libertarian running in 2020?
Yes, Dr. Jo Jorgensen and her running mate, Jeremy Cohen, have secured the Libertarian presidential nomination for the 2020 election.
Has any Libertarian won an election?
No. No political candidate running as a Libertarian has won a presidential election. That makes you wonder whether the Jo Jorgensen 2020 presidential campaign has a chance. However, Libertarianism has been garnering support and increasing awareness with each election. In fact, Jorgensen has enough ballot access to win 270 electoral votes. Perhaps enough voters will find voting for Trump or Biden distasteful enough that they embrace this third option.
"A majority of states have accepted petitions to allow Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen to appear on the ballot. This means Jorgensen has a viable path to 270," reported Libertarian Candidates.
Is Libertarian left or right?
Libertarians are neither on the left or right. Libertarians draw values from both sides of the aisle. Generally, Libertarians tend to be as Gary Johnson advertised during his presidential campaign. They are "fiscally conservative, socially liberal."
Many libertarians support free markets, reducing government spending, and oppose taxation. These are typically right-leaning values. Many libertarians also support reproductive rights, same-sex marriage, and oppose the drug war and mass incarceration. These are generally left-leaning values.
Therefore, Libertarianism isn't entirely compliant in the political binary.

The Bottom Line
What do you think about Jo Jorgensen?
Do you think she and her 0% tax is every entrepreneur's dream, or is it just fantasy? Jorgensen is fighting an uphill battle for the presidency. The Libertarian Party is slowly building its member base. Perhaps within the next couple of elections, a libertarian candidate will have a real shot at America's highest office.
Meanwhile, if you’re concerned that voting for Jo Jorgensen would be a wasted vote, consider this:
Perhaps the only way to truly waste your vote is to vote for what you DON’T want.
To learn more about this Libertarian, visit her Jo Jorgensen for President campaign website. You can also check out Jo Jorgensen on her YouTube channel.
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