Have you ever been buried in projects that have overwhelmed you? Do you have a hard time delegating certain works to your employees? Well, it's probably time that you got a new outlook on how delegation can boost productivity.
On this week's episode of the Freedom Fast Lane podcast, guest host Sean Coyne elaborates on how you can delegate tasks to people without having the headache of micromanaging. Simply, farming out your work to people who can be trusted with an entire aspect of your business will boost productivity.
Coyne refers to the "5 Levels of Remarkably Effective Delegation," termed by Peter Economy in 2014, as his go-to method for training, entrusting, and commit to more to growing your team, your business, and reaping the rewards of those efforts.
Giving your team the ability to learn and develop as independent contributors to a project will allow them to have the ability to fully understand the end product and produce deliverables that exceed expectations.
Developing employees to be prepared for different levels of mentorship will complement morale, as well. And, with high morale, your team will be ready to meet deadlines and impress you, clients and other stakeholders.
According to Coyne, getting your employees to the highest levels of fully independent delegation is a two-way street.
In order to treat team members as viable contributors, managers have to show an active interest in working with these individuals to develop in their own respects. The attention and the feeling of inclusion you team members feel will translate into higher morale and higher productivity.
Listen to the full podcast to find out effective delegation could benefit our organization, team, and you personally. It's worth it.
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