Did you know that there are simple ways to structure your business so that you pay fewer taxes?

Do you know that certain of cash flow and wealth are unique to entrepreneurs?

You are an entrepreneur. The best money spent is on growing your business, creating more jobs, and producing more results.

Garrett Gunderson is the guy that entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals turn to in order to grow their wealth and cash flow, while also strategically structuring their businesses to pay fewer taxes.

You’ve heard that the “one percenters” have more tax advantages, and Garrett Gunderson is the guy that the elite consult with in order to set them up.

Garrett has been cited by Robert Kyosaki as the financial consultant whose advice actually makes sense. Instead of "saving more", he focuses on "creating and keeping more," as they discuss in this video:

Garrett is best known for being the author of Killing Sacred Cows, which challenged many of the commonly held beliefs that people hold about money.

Most importantly, he works almost exclusively with entrepreneurs to help them make small tweaks that produce big results in tax savings and wealth growth; in fact, he is often able to “roll back the clock” and find tax savings that were unknowingly overpaid.

Many of Garrett’s clients find hundreds of thousands of dollars in “lost money” from past overpayment. At The Capitalism Conference, Garrett will be holding an intimate breakout session in which he will share some of the strategies that he uses to grow wealth and reduce tax burdens.

This December, Garrett will be at The Capitalism Conference to share how he works with clients and individuals to enjoy more wealth and cash flow, while also positioning themselves for protection. As a result, you will walk away with a clear plan to grow your wealth and have more predictability, while keeping more money in your business, rather than giving it to government.

Garrett joins a lineup that features Tesla board member Kimbal Musk, serial ecommerce billionaire Brian Lee, and a host of modern millionaires and billionaires at The Capitalism Conference. Reserve your ticket for The Capitalism Conference here.

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