Nested Naturals is setting the example of how to achieve massive growth targets by hiring and nurturing the right talent.
Kevin Pasco and Jeremy Sherk started their entrepreneurial journey as many others have – on their own. They are fortunate to have a partner in each other as co-founders of Nested Naturals. But in their journey they reached a tipping point.
They knew if they wanted to truly grow their company and achieve their goals, they needed to scale. They needed a team around them, one stacked with talent.
Achieving growth in business, especially getting out of the $1 million range – is all about the people. It's a message that has been shared from stage at our annual conference by Gary Vaynerchuk, Cameron Herold, and other successful entrepreneurs, and it's 100% true.
Nested Naturals figured it out. Now Kevin and Jeremy have it down to a science.
Kevin and Jeremy recently were featured in an update on their growth on the Freedom Fast Lane podcast. They shared some of their insights in their growth as a company and the next stages of their journey.
By recognizing the power of people and nurturing the culture, Kevin and Jeremy harnessed the power of human capital. It's exactly why Nested Naturals continues on its growth path to a $50 million empire.
If you are an entrepreneur and need the tactics to build the right team, you're probably thinking — man, it would be awesome to talk to Kevin and Jeremy. Guess what?
Kevin and Jeremy are joining a host of speakers, including Ezra Firestone, Garrett Gunderson and Brian Lee at this year's The Capitalism Conference. Each are planning to share their specific strategies for success.
The Capitalism Conference is a three-day experience that assembles the world’s wealthiest brand builders, investors, ecommerce experts and online entrepreneurs into one room.
Together, we explore what is working now and what is coming down the pipeline for business owners. Want to be mentored by those on the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship? At CapCon, network and download actionable strategies to grow, hire, build and invest.
Follow the trail that has been blazed by Peter Diamandis, Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Herjavec, John Mackey, and others by reserving your spot at The Capitalism Conference.
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