Alexandros Karipidis heads up Amilla Group, an apparel manufacturing business in Greece. It’s fitting that amilla means fair play because if there’s one thing on new apparel brands’ wish lists, it’s a leg up in what can be a tough industry… especially for newbies. 

That’s why the core of their mission is to help great brands of all sizes succeed by putting all the tools they need in one place. Where they differ from most apparel suppliers is in the hand-holding Amilla Group provides to help a brand on its journey. Most just offer manufacturing services. But Amilla is essentially an end-to-end solution that helps small- to medium-sized brands from all over the world to succeed.

Apparel Sellers Need More than Just Clothes to List

There’s pre- and post-production services, creative, product development, photography, shipping, inventory financing, seasonality, and operations consulting to boot. It would be easy to get lost.

But that’s where Alex comes in. He offers a package of services that can help brand owners solve common apparel issues by avoiding them in the first place. 

In other words, know how you don’t know what you don’t know? Alex knows. And Alex’s clients get a bit of an unfair advantage in the marketplace because he has their back.

Not long ago, Alex and his brother resurrected this family business and modernized it to serve its clients’ needs more thoroughly. So far, they’re doing 7-figures per year. 

Member Spotlight: Alexandros Karipidis of Amilla Group

A 6-Figure Side Hustle

But they’ve also launched a fashion brand of their own, one that dresses plus sized women. Within a year of the day they launched, the brand went nationwide as a wholesaler (after all, they’re manufacturers!). One year in, they’ve hit 6-figures for this part of the business.

Long-term, the plan is to grow both parts of the business and get them running like clockwork, following the Owner’s Model. That’ll result in a highly-sellable business that Alex just may never want to sell.

If you’re in The One Percent and you’re thinking about starting - or you’re already running - an apparel brand, there’s no smarter move you could make than to have a chat with Alex. He’s the perfect example of our give-first community, and can help you avoid common pitfalls in this fast-paced industry.


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Alexandros Karipidis' story reminds us that this goal is achievable.

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